GM to Pontiac: No Firebird for You. And We are Scaling Back on the Excitement Too

banditrendering.jpg picture by willfusion

With more Buick-Pontiac-GMC dealerships being unified under one roof a large number of dealers have joined the chorus in calling out for a new Firebird based off the new Camaro. Considering the three auto brands they really do not have any flashy lures of the sports car variety to bring in new blood, and nothing would chum the waters like a flashy new Firebird. But the hammer has fallen and the decision (for now. for good?) from GM is No.

The popular excuses for the failure of the Firebird to reach production are the new CAFE regulations and the cost to reach production. Reaching the new fuel mileage regulations appears to be a greater priority right now. Plus, one dealer exclaimed that the cost of getting the Firebird to production would have run around $200 million. Apparently that was all it took to keep the screaming chicken retired in its coup. (more…)

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